To connect with WireGuard, you need a key pair. The amount of key pairs you can have is equal to the number of devices you can connect with. Our various OVPN apps and clients automatically generates keys for you up to the maximum allowed amount.
If you're at (or exceed) the maximum number of allowed keys, you'll get a message in the app stating that you can't have more keys. In order to get the OVPN client or app to generate a new key, you'll first have to remove some keys so that you have at least one empty spot for keys. If, for example, you have 6 allowed devices, you will need to remove enough keys so that you have no more than 5, as that will allow the OVPN client or app to generate its own keys for a total of 6 tied to your account.
To remove keys, first go to the Key Management page, which can be found under Dashboard > WireGuard > Key management on our website.
The key management page will list all of your WireGuard key pairs, and you can delete a key by clicking on the trashcan icon next to the key.
To make keys easier to identify, the OVPN clients add a label to the key to remind you which device it is for, but it is also possible to add your own label to the keys instead to make them easier to keep track of.
Once you've located the key(s) you want to remove, click the trashcan icon next to the key. You'll receive a prompt asking you to verify that you wish to remove the key.
Click on Remove to confirm the removal of the key.
If you accidentally remove a key that is in use by one of the OVPN clients, fret not. It is easy to generate a new key in the client applications.
Once you have removed enough keys to have at least one spot left over, go ahead and generate a new key.